

1. Sissy must confess its filthy acts and desires in one of the following ways…

i. Start from scratch and write a long text. (Maximum points)
ii. Cut and paste and fill in the blanks in the template. (Lowest possible score)

2. Sissy must email its sordid litany of sins to its Mistress.

Most glorious and exalted Mistress,

I come before you as your newest slave to confess to the errant and shameful life of sissy squalor that I lived before you gave me the privilege of becoming your property.

From an early age, my disturbed and debauched mind was soiled with intense transvestic cravings. And like the weak-willed sissy I am, I allowed myself to be ruled by those cravings and on numerous occasions had the bare faced cheek, disrespect, and nerve, to violate the personal spaces of females I knew you by putting my grubby little hands on their intimate garments and other items of female attire.

The female victims of my insatiable thirst for frilly, shiny garments number at least _______________

On top of this, I have lived a sordid life online, endlessly searching and wallowing in a loathsome assortment of sissy filth. My most common 5 internet searches in this period (therefore, my five most serious vices) have been the following…..


All of these individual transgressions add up to the much greater crime of a self-obsessed life of interminable genital fiddling instead of the life of service which nature demands of little runts like myself. Submissive sissies should take on roles appropriate to their servile nature, such as secretaries or maids or waitresses or courtesans who live to pleasure their Mistress and Master… and not themselves.

Having now seen the error of my ways, I prostrate myself before your booted feet, Mistress, and grovel – humbly and pathetically asking for forgiveness like the squirming maggot I am. Even more importantly, I grovel and await for you to pronounce the penance which I must perform in order to cleanse myself of the loathsome sissy acts I have listed.

Your obedient slave….